Jade Integrated Health

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Golfing - Injury Prevention for Summer Activities Series

Looking for a low-impact activity in the great outdoors? Golf may be just what you need. Whether you are a novice or an expert, a good pre-golf stretch can make a world of difference for your stroke technique and range of motion.

Here are a few pre-golfing stretches:

Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds and do 3 on each side. Always stand tall, in good posture, and pull your abdominals in slightly.

Shoulder Opening - Use your golf club

*Hold the club in front of you with one hand on each end in an overhand grip. Lift the club up and forward and over your head with the arms straight. Slowly bring the arms back for a comfortable stretch without raising the shoulders.

Thoracic Mobility - Mid back rotations and pectorals stretching

*Lie on one side with the arms extended out straight and on the ground.. Knees are bent and the legs stacked. Watch your top hand as you move the top arm away from the bottom(as if opening up the page of a book). Bring the top arm as close to the ground as able while rotating the mid back. Rest for a few breaths with the arms in a T. Repeat 5x each side

Stretch for the Back of the Shoulder

*Stand and bring one straight arm across the body at shoulder height. Use the opposite hand to gently pull the top arm more across the body. Don’t raise the shoulders.

As always, if you feel discomfort or pain, stop and contact your general care provider. The providers at Jade Integrated Health can you help achieve your summer activity goals. Integrated care is a great option for beginners looking to add physical activity to their lives or avid athletes in recovery or looking to push to the next milestone.

Get outside in the sunshine and enjoy everything Maine has to offer this summer!

**Images from HEP2go.com and bwmassagetherapies.com