Jade Integrated Health

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How to Cool Your Inner Fire in the Summertime

by Kate Barton, LAc

It should come as no surprise that the element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that governs the summer is fire. Fire in TCM is also related to the Heart, the color red, bitter herbs/food, and the emotion, joy. It is not uncommon to be particularly averse to hot weather, especially for people who live in the Northeast. 

We are very fortunate in Maine to have a plethora of lovely bodies of water to cool down in, from lakes and rivers to the ocean, but it is not always possible during a hectic work week to get out and enjoy them. 

Here are some foods in TCM that can help beat “Summer Heat”:

  1. Watermelon (Xi Gua): Watermelon is used in TCM to clear summer heat and generate fluids by promoting urination. Watermelon is very high in vitamins C and A. It is also 92% water, making it a great choice to eat on hot summer days when you feel dehydrated.

  2. Mint (Bo He): Mint is used in TCM to clear heat, disperse turbid qi, and soothe and relieve liver qi stagnation. Mint is especially useful at clearing summer heat gastric disturbance caused by eating foods that are too heavy or unclean. Mint is scientifically proven to be antibacterial and antiviral, in addition to having properties of relaxing smooth muscle to relieve tension. Try adding a sprig of mint to your water on a hot summer day!

  3. Soybean Sprout (Da Dou Juan): Soybean Sprouts are used in TCM to clear early stage summer heat and drain dampness. They can be beneficial on hot days when you feel a sensation of heaviness and joint pain with little sweating. Soybean sprouts contain 30% of the daily recommended value of Folate or Vitamin B9, which is helpful in making DNA for cell division. 

  4. Mung Bean (Lu Dou): Mung Bean is used in TCM to dispel summer heat and resolve toxins. They are especially useful when there is fever and thirst. Mung beans are also high in folate and a host of amino acids. They provide a viable plant-based protein source that’s high in antioxidants.

As summers continue to get hotter in our little corner of the world in Maine, it can be easy to become exasperated at what feels like fruitless efforts to cool down in the heat. Next time you feel particularly frustrated with the heat, try one of these summer heat-beating foods and see what they do for you!

1. Mung Bean Salad:

  • 3 tbsp red wine or sherry vinegar

  • 1/2 cup quality, extra-virgin olive oil

  • sea salt, to taste

  • 1 bunch green onions, finely sliced (approx. 1 cup)

  • 1 bunch fresh mint, finely chopped (approx. 1/2 cup)

2. Heat Beating Mock-Tail

  • Ice Cubes

  • Muddled Watermelon (3-4 cubes)

  • Muddled Mint

  • 4 oz Club Soda

  • Watermelon Rind for garnish