Jade Integrated Health

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Building a family? How acupuncture can help

Recently at Jade, we were visited by the Executive Director and Assistant Director of Resolve New England, a non-profit serving the infertility community in the New England region, to discuss their work with individuals struggling to build their families. We talked about the difficulties, both emotional and physical, that fertility challenges bring up, and our hopes to make resources and support more accessible.

As an acupuncturist, I have treated many individuals seeking fertility support in different phases of their journey. For many, this is a time that is often fraught with stress, anxiety, sadness, frustration, and confusion. It can be isolating and lonely -- and self-care is critical. I feel lucky to hear these stories, provide some education, and offer acupuncture as support in the throes of these challenges.

Acupuncture is a gentle and effective medicine to consider whether one is just starting out or has decided upon medical intervention to help achieve pregnancy. It can be used alone or alongside assisted reproductive technology (ART).

Acupuncture treatment can help:

  • Regulate cycle to ensure that ovulation is predictable

  • Encourage awareness of body’s signals, including position of cervix, cervical mucus, and basal body temperature (BBT) changes

  • Support regulation of BBT, aiming for biphasic pattern with balanced length of follicular and luteal phases

  • Address system issues known to impact fertility, including reactions to stress, insomnia, and anxiety

The journey to building a family has many ups and downs, and each family is unique both in number and how they came to be. No matter where you are on the path, acupuncture may be something to consider. Any of our acupuncturists would be happy to address specific questions you may have with a free 30-minute consult.