Jade Integrated Health

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Injury Prevention for Summer Activities for Aging Bodies

For most of us, warmer air brings out a higher level of energy and encourages us to get outside. This also brings a feeling of wanting to be more active and get into shape after being cooped up all winter long - especially with COVID-19! As we age, we need to keep in mind that we are not as agile, flexible or as strong as we once used to be. There are certain things we can do to prevent injuries and also enjoy this nice weather.

  • Start slow! If starting a walking program outside, remember to pick a surface that is easy to walk on. Choosing to walk on a flat and firm surface is a good start over walking on a soft sandy beach or an uneven rocky beach. If a beach or uneven surface is a goal for you, plan that a couple of weeks out when you are feeling confident while walking on a flatter surface. Remember to start slow and work up to longer distances or times.

  • Wear appropriate footwear! Wearing a newer athletic shoe/sneaker is a good choice as it will provide appropriate support and cushion. This is a better choice over wearing a shoe that you have worn for the last few years or a sandal which has usually zero support.

  • Stretch! Warming up your body is a good idea before any type of stretching. A short walk around the house and then gentle stretching is a good choice before you leave for your walk - also, remembering to stretch after your walk while the muscles are warm. There should be no pain with stretching - only a feeling of the muscle being pulled or lengthened.

  • Keeping ALL of your muscles strong! While you are out for your walk, also remember to work on strengthening all sides of your body. This means not only walking forward but also (when it is safe even if this means in your driveway or house), walk sideways and backwards. Another great idea is walking in a figure 8. This will keep all areas of your hips strong to help protect all of your joints.

  • Walk tall! Walk with a purpose - meaning stand erect as if you have a string pulling your head up to the sky. Shoulders should be back as if you have a pencil between your shoulder blades and also down away from your ears.

Best of all - enjoy your time outside! Use your senses - look for wildlife and beautiful scenery, smell the grasses or flowers, listen to birds or water trickling. This time of year goes by so quickly, so make sure to take advantage of it while you can. And if you are experiencing pain or discomfort while trying to have fun this summer, come see us at Jade. Our practitioners’ primary goal is to get you back to your favorite activities!