Acupuncture – More Than Just Pain Management

by Kate Barton, LAc.

Pain of some kind is what brings 90% of acupuncture patients through the door. Pain is what brought me to an acupuncture clinic for the first time! As a licensed acupuncturist, I am still amazed daily by the positive effect acupuncture can have on pain, both acute and chronic. 

Numerous studies support acupuncture as effective pain management treatment. Between 2000 and 2020 there have been over 2471 systematic reviews published on acupuncture therapy and its uses. Time magazine states, “According to a 2021 World Health Organization report, acupuncture is the most widely used traditional medicine practice globally, and it’s gaining traction in the U.S”. I believe the biggest reason for this is because acupuncture is good for a lot more than managing pain.

I frequently hear from patients after a few treatments that their pain is better, and they are seeing other areas of improvement in their health as well. Acupuncture directly influences the area of the nervous system known as the sympathetic nervous system, or, fight or flight response. 

During treatment, the needles go to work on complex neural pathways that directly act to downregulate sympathetic — fight or flight — and upregulate parasympathetic — rest and digest. By allowing the fight or flight response a few moments to disengage, the body actually begins to heal itself.

The most common “secondary” side effect of acupuncture treatment is stress and anxiety relief. When the sympathetic nervous system is downregulated, the “happy hormones” — serotonin and dopamine — are released into the bloodstream, leading to a reduction in stress and anxiety symptoms. Patients often experience a feeling of “euphoria” or calmness following acupuncture treatment. That “light” feeling patients experience is often what keeps them coming back for more. 

I love helping to improve patients’ pain levels while benefiting their mental health as well. We can all use a little extra time out of fight or flight to relax and let the body heal. The next time someone is experiencing pain, I hope they think of acupuncture as a way to improve not only their pain, but other areas of their health as well!