Jade Integrated Health

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Adjusting Your Yoga Lens

For new yogis and experienced yogis, it’s important to refocus your yoga lens every once in a while. Why do you practice? Is the way you are practicing in line with your reason for participating? Often we get caught up in the routine of life. Attending the same class or practicing the same flow without thinking or being present. During your evening yoga class, it's easy to think about what’s for dinner or what the next day will bring. Keep these easy suggestions in mind as you start your next practice.

Let your practice go with the flow: Give your practice some space to breathe. Be open to different possibilities. Explore different class offerings, including styles of yoga, time of day, location or teacher. Within your chosen class play with variations, prop use and breath cues as you practice. Skipping a few chaturangas or missing practice for a day or two is all part of the process. Give your body and mind the freedom to dictate your needs.

Sit in the yoga after-glow: After finishing with a class or flow, don’t rush to the next task. Yoga is all about sitting comfortably with ourselves and this moment is the perfect time. Give yourself an extra 5 or 10 minutes to just be with your practice.

Honoring your body and mind with practice: It's great to work yoga into your everyday routine, but make sure yoga is not an obligation. Reframing the idea of yoga as an honor or gift for your day is a good place to start. Your body does a lot of work for you and it is an honor to thank your body with a little TLC.

Work through emotions in your practice: Yoga is all about showing yourself compassion and understanding. Let yourself move and sit with your emotions during your yoga practice. No emotions are good or bad and the only way is through them so let your body and breath lead the way. If you are feeling strong emotions maybe include some journaling with your flow to improve your ability to communicate. 

You are ever changing and so should be your practice. Hold onto your reason for practicing and let your choices serve that goal rather than dogmatically following a program. You've got this!