Building your Week Around your Practice!

I’m a busy person and I wear a lot of hats! Like many people, my days often require me to pivot in motion, troubleshoot and adapt, especially in our current normal. We are living in a time of prolonged global uncertainty. The lack of stable ground and suspension pursuit of typical leisure or self care has us all a little on edge. So, what can we do about it?

Planning : In the simplest of terms become a planner! Start planning your week upon a physical activity. This will help you find security in the fact that you will most certainly wake up in the same skin you went to sleep in. Your ability to go for a walk, practice yoga, cycle, or insert your physical pursuit of choice, becomes a concise and predetermined amount of time, scheduled in your week. This is something you can control with any degree of certainty. But then, how do we follow through?

Prioritize : What if you approached this time with the same amount of reverence you do a wedding or family holiday? Prioritize being on time for yoga as you would for being on time for work. Making yourself and your wellbeing a precedence in your life could drastically increase your quality of life and overall happiness. But, we can’t make everything that important, can we?

Perspective : Here’s the thing, a nugget of certainty has a soothing effect on your central nervous system, similar to a back rub for a toddler. For most, the lack of typical social interaction we’re all experiencing right now is manifesting as low level frustration in your body and you will reach for ways to vent this pressure. Those ways tend to seem innocuous at first, but may be self destructive in the long run. By changing the narrative or perspective, you can feel refreshed. Gently steer yourself ways from saying “but I’m so busy, there’s no time!” and start saying “I’ve made a plan, this is time well spent”. It’s not just putting a positive spin on the things you tell yourself, but it’s also cementing the need for physicality to your bones. This continued self love will eventually becomes automatic, like brushing your teeth. So, how do we put it into practice?

Step 1 : Start with a weekly goal. For example, mine is 1 Barre or Boot Camp class, 2 vinyasa classes, 1 heart rate jacking run or hike. Sounds like a lot, but thats why I plan my week. You can start small by adding one restorative yoga class or a 15-minute midday walk in the sun, then build on this every week or so.

Step 2 : Write it down. Whether you use a day planner or schedule digitally, take 15 minutes on Sunday night or Monday morning to figure out when you will get on your bike or take that daily 15 minute walk this week. Many of us manage more than 1 persons schedule, that’s why planning your week is as important as securing your own own oxygen mask first. We are the best caregivers we can be when we care for ourselves first.

Step 3 : Be accountable! It’s hard to be the one in charge all the time. Use your network and share the weight of personal accountability with others. Tell your partner or spouse, your kids, your friends about daily plans, no matter how mundane they seem. Others can serve as a container of accountability for you. All you have to do is say it out loud and inevitably your coworker, friends or family will ask how that hike went. Trust me, you will prefer being able to answer with the truth rather than an excuse!  If you have acquaintances from your neighborhood, your gym or studio, reach out! Plan to meet someone for that walk or a zoom class. Including others in maintaining your physical wellbeing pursuits helps you stay accountable, motivate others, and provides a healthy social outlet for everyone involved.

We all struggle with getting in between ourselves and accomplishing the small acts of self care we all so desperately require. Remember the 3 Ps! Plan, Prioritize, and Perspective! These 3 ingredients can create the shift your looking for and all you have to do is begin.



Meet Sarra Maddocks

Program Coordinator & Yoga Instructor

Sarra completed my 200-hour RYTA certification with Alice Ricardi In 2012 and has since gone on to complete her 92-hour Level One training with the Baptiste Institute. Sarra’s goal is to make yoga available to everyone. Take a class with Sarra by viewing our full schedule below!