Why We Need to Start Considering Our Menstrual Cycles As An Important Barometer for Health

By Genevieve Sprinkle, LAc and John Charlebois, LAc

Three recent studies illuminate the need to consider the menstrual cycle as a pertinent indicator of a woman’s health.

Women who experience irregular periods with longer menstrual cycles have been associated with a higher risk of ovarian cancer, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, mental health issues and now, a shortened lifespan.(1) Shorter menstrual cycles, less than 25 days in length (2), correlate with more severe menopausal symptoms and premenstrual mood symptoms that are all too common in women worldwide, constituting a global public health crisis.(3). 

At Jade Integrated Health we provide safe, effective treatment for imbalanced fertility cycle conditions. Working with a licensed acupuncturist at Jade, you will be provided with treatment that aids in restoring a woman’s hormonal balance. Often drugs or surgeries can be avoided while still achieving desired outcomes.

Acupuncture has a long history of effectively treating women’s health issues.  Earliest known writings on treating gynecological issues with Chinese medicine date from the Shang Dynasty (1500-1000 BC). Chinese medical treatises from this period onward stress the ways to balance yin and yang in the body in order to promote a longer, healthier life. At Jade Integrated Health, we are a team of practitioners who are devoted to promoting women’s health and longevity. We integrate physical therapy for pelvic health, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to balance menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause states in a woman’s life.

Stress, whether it is emotional, physical or environmentally caused, negatively affects women’s gynecological health. Acupuncture reduces and reverses elevated stress hormones. With balance restored a woman finds that her menstrual cycle becomes more regular, with less PMS and an easier flow. Menopausal symptoms lessen and she feels more even emotionally. Jade has offered collaborative solutions to women’s health issues for over 20 years. Let our experienced practitioners bring you the latest research and share their expertise so that we may all work together to reverse these unacceptable health trends.


  1. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/irregular-periods-premature-mortality/

  2. https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/Abstract/2022/10000/Self_reported_menstrual_cycle_length_during.5.aspx

  3. https://news.med.virginia.edu/research/frequency-of-premenstrual-anxiety-mood-swings-a-public-health-issue/