Aquatic Therapy at Jade Integrated Health

Aquatic Physical Therapy is a great tool for strengthening in a low impact environment. Being in the water will reduce the weight bearing on all joints. Non-weight bearing exercises can be done hanging from a noodle in deep water. By choosing the correct depth of the water, weight bearing can be controlled and modified. The resistance of the water allows many muscle groups to work in a gravity reduced environment. Equipment such as foam dumbbells, noodles, kick boards and theraband may be used to increase resistance with the exercises.

Typically, therapeutic pools are warmer than a swimming pool. The pool we use is heated to 92-94 degrees. The warmth of the water is soothing, the movements are enjoyable and many people remark that they can do so much more in the water and still feel that they are improving with their limitations.

At Jade Integrated Health, we rent the warm therapeutic pool at the YMCA in Portland and see 1-4 patients at a time. We rent out the whole pool, this means the pool is only for our patients during our sessions. These sessions will typically consist of each patient getting individual instruction to address their needs for rehabilitation.

For people who cannot tolerate land based exercises, the pool is a great alternative for pain free movement!

Aquatic exercise will benefit people with;

  • Arthritis pain

  • Back pain

  • Post surgical pain and to increase range of motion

  • Poor Posture

  • Gait training (how you walk)

  • Increasing cardiovascular fitness, and muscular coordination

  • Poor balance

  • Anyone with poor tolerance to land based therapy such as; someone with obesity, fibromyalgia, chronic pain or edema.

  • And many more!

At Jade, we are skilled at land and pool based therapy. We hope everyone can progress to a land based program, but if not, we provide an independent pool program that can be done when therapy has ended. Pool therapy is another amazing tool we use to give our patients independence.


Pool Therapy at Jade Integrated Health is lead by Dori Thompson PTA. Dori holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from New England College as well as an Associate’s Degree in Physical Therapy from New Hampshire Technical Institute, and certification in aquatic therapy through the Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute. At previous therapy settings, Dori has developed and lead community aquatic classes for people with arthritis, prenatal population and pre-and-post joint replacement aquatic treatment.