Hiking - Injury Prevention for Summer Activities Series

In the first installment for our July series, Injury Prevention for Summer Activities, we are focusing on hiking. Maine has some of the most beautiful hiking trails and summer is a great time to enjoy as many as possible. It’s important to make sure you have prepped and packed the essentials when setting off on a hiking adventure, such as water, snacks, bug spray, map/compass, etc. It is also important to make sure your body is ready for physical activity. Building strength, balance, endurance and cardiovascular health are essential to a safe and enjoyable hike.

Here are a few pre-hiking stretches:

Hold each 20-30 for seconds and complete 3 on each side. Always stand tall, in good posture, and pull your abdominals in slightly.

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Quad stretch - The front of the thigh

*Stand tall, hold right foot with right hand and have your knee pointed to the ground. Your standing knee remains soft - not locked. Using a tree or other support for balance.

Inner thigh stretch - The inside of the thigh

*Stand with feet wider than shoulders. Do a mini lunge to one side. The hand on the same side can be on your thigh for support.

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Hamstring stretch - The back of the thighs

*Stand tall and place your heel on something (such as a chair or bench) in front of you. Your hips face directly forward. For more stretch use a higher surface OR lean forward from the hips and maintain a neutral spine.

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Calf stretch - The back of the lower leg

*Stand facing a stable surface (tree). Step back with one leg, with the foot pointed straight ahead and the heel down on the ground. . Bend the front knee and hold.

If you are carrying a pack;

Shoulder rolls backwards

*Bring shoulders up, back and down. Repeat 10x.

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Chest Stretch

*With palms facing the sky, lift your arms to a comfortable height and slightly behind you Keep your shoulders down

As always, if you feel discomfort or pain, stop and contact your general care provider. The providers at Jade Integrated Health can you help achieve your summer activity goals. Integrated care is a great option for beginners looking to add physical activity to their lives or avid athletes in recovery or looking to push to the next milestone.

Get outside in the sunshine and enjoy everything Maine has to offer this summer!

**Images from HEP2go.com