National Men's Health Month - June 2021

Did you miss our National Men’s Health Month series? From provider interviews, to “How to Yoga” videos, to social media content, we have all the male-focused health content right here in one easy blog. Check out our YouTube Playlist and more!

Men's Health Video Series

Join Jade Integrated Health providers and instructors for a male-focused video compilation. Learn about different health topics from an integrated perspective and a few yoga poses that can help with men’s health-related issues.

Stress Management & Men’s Health Discussion with John Charlebois L.Ac

Acupuncture addresses stress chemistry in the body that's killing your health.

I know stress. Jade Integrated Health, the business my wife and I own, has grown within the past 20 years through the great economic crisis of 08, two horrible landlords and a global pandemic. My life is a robust source of satisfaction and STRESS. Every day, there is a challenge or an issue standing in the way of serenity and bliss. My children need rides to various things, the gutters need cleaning and I still haven’t found where that smell is coming from in the garage! Did I mention I work with my wife? You get the picture.

The stress response is a short term survival mechanism controlled by involuntary aspects of the nervous system. That's a good thing! In an emergency the body prepares to fight a threat or flee from it. That's a good thing too! Historically, this system helped keep us alive when, for example, humans were still part of the food chain. That’s a wicked good thing as long as the defense mechanisms were allowed to de-escalate.

Stress today comes to us in a thousand directions almost all the time. Also, today we cannot kill or run away from our sources of stress. Unacceptable to kill the cable installer, if they are late for their four hour service window, and men, "running away" from family issues is never an option. In scope and scale today's problems aren’t as life threatening but far more persistent. It appears all we have left to do is feel trapped.

In Traditional Asian Medicines there are many solutions to bring to the table. First is, that if stress levels can be constructed beyond a healthy level... they can also be deconstructed. Participation in stress deconstructive activities is the only way to bring balance to this unsustainable state.

Become aware of your defense mechanisms and accept them as something you may have needed in the past. Recognize that you are not the same person as when you needed those survival patterns of behavior. Mimmic fight or flight safely and to your benefit by exercising your heart, lungs and muscles. Use your imagination to see yourself in a better place. Exercise your creativity, as well, to the point of joy and determination. Watch funny movies. Talking to someone you trust about problems is like a pressure relief valve for your heart and mind.

Lastly, visit Jade Integrated Health to learn the practices and outlets to deconstruct your personal stress levels. We can reduce pain and help condition you to exercise more comfortably. Jade has virtually everything you need to get started on this very important journey.

Start now!

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