
Stress Awareness Month

Stress Awareness Month

It's a great time to pay attention to how stress is affecting you. Common stressors include work, family, money, children, illness and more. Stress can impact both your body and your mind causing symptoms such as muscular pain, irritability, fatigue, and headaches. Here's how we can help...

Be Present

Be Present

The start of the new year is full of energy and resolve to get into healthier habits. The problem with new year’s resolutions is that there is a tendency to make big declarations and huge commitments that can be unrealistic. At Jade, we encourage you to channel the momentum in the air instead to recommit to yourself, and join us in an effort to be more present.

Finding Yang in the Time of Yin

Finding Yang in the Time of Yin

After the end of Daylight Savings Time, most of us are well aware that we have entered a quieter time of year. In Chinese medicine, the winter is considered to be a more yin time. Every day has a balance of yin and yang, but in the winter, yin is more prominent. Yin is dark, nutritive, and restful, while yang is light, energetic, and active. As the winter is more yin in general, it calls for a calmer lifestyle. 

How to Release Stress through Yoga and Meditation

How to Release Stress through Yoga and Meditation

In our modern lives it seems that stress is unavoidable. A friend recently called this internal chatter her “unwelcome roommate”. This unwelcome roommate decided to move right on in and take over your mental space without asking and without being considerate of how you’ve been living. This roommate makes judgments, thrives on emotions, makes demands and imposes  opinion. Sound familiar?

Leave your Stress Behind this Fall

Leave your Stress Behind this Fall

Sources of stress can appear endless. Our new normal state of always being available and “on-call” is stressful, but leave your phone at home and the mind goes crazy with what it could be missing or that friends, family and even work can get worried that they can’t get in touch with you right away. The truth is, stress is unavoidable. 

3 Areas Where Acupuncture Can Improve Your Running

3 Areas Where Acupuncture Can Improve Your Running

Affective running requires more than just physical ability acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine can be an effective tool for runners of all ability levels. I would like to cover three areas that challenge runners and the solutions available from the practice of acupuncture.

Why you should Make Space for Yoga....Today.

Recently I found myself in a space where my life had become much more chaotic. Work, personal and family life were all taking up a lot of time. Don't get me wrong, none of these individual things were negative, but I failed to create a balance with them. Line this up with the changing of the season and I was feeling a little out of sorts. Oh, and did I mention I hadn't practiced yoga in two weeks? Ugh, yes, it's true. As a teacher this isn't an easy thing to admit, but, it is honest. All of these things combined brought out my less-then-stellar personality traits that emerge when I'm out of balance:

  • My fuse was shorter
  • I was more sensitive
  • My energy was low
  • I was stressed out

It is OK to feel this way, after all, it's a part of me. However, it is not OK to dwell in them. It is our duty to ourselves and those around us to notice when we feel these things and check in and ask ourselves: "Am I doing the things I love that balance and ground me?". If the answer is "No", then it's time to create some space. We all have our reasons (or excuses) for losing touch with our yoga practice and sometimes getting back to it can be daunting, but let me remind you right now why you should make space for a yoga class today:

  1. "Oh, I Really Needed That" - What will escape from your lips as you leave class. Remember that feeling? Yes! That's your body and mind thanking you!
  2. You'll Feel More Grounded and Focused - When life gets busy and pulls you in different directions, creating an hour of space to check in and allow the mind to settle will make you be able to see more clearly and prioritize better.
  3. If you Feel Better, You'll Treat People Better - What is happening on the inside reflects what is happening on the outside. To treat people from a place of awareness and calmness is going to get you further in everything you do.
  4. You'll Have More Energy - In our every day lives we are so used to giving (exerting energy) that yoga becomes our place to bring that energy back in.
  5. It's Ok if it is going to be Hard - This is common and everyone feels it at some point. When you haven't practiced in a bit, you can't stand the feeling of not being as strong, flexible or in tune as you normally are with your practice. Feel and notice your practice for what it is today, listen to your body and know it is OK if you don't go as far in poses as you might be used to. It is your yoga and it is different every single day. Some days I feel strong and focused, other days I struggle in downward facing dog - the important part is that you showed up.
  6. The Mind Chatter will Subside - All those things (doubts, labels, excitements) that are running through your head will quiet down and you'll be reminded of that calm person you enjoy being around.
  7. You Owe it to Yourself - You deserve to feel good. No matter what is happening in your life, you deserve to feel good and yoga makes you feel that way. Repeat that to yourself as you're packing your yoga pants tomorrow morning.

Lastly, surround yourselves with people that know (and love) that you practice yoga and can check in with you when they notice you are out of balance. During this dreaded yoga-less space that I had, my boyfriend looked at me and reminded me that I needed to prioritize my practice and schedule it in to my day. 2 weeks later I feel back to normal - grounded and focused. If you look at my schedule, I have blocked out time to practice every week that I'm not allowed to change. So, find a loved one or friend to have your chaturanga-ripped-yoga-back to bring you back to your mat when they notice you've fallen off the namaste wagon and I'll see you on that mat!

Bonus: Here is a Spring Cleaning yoga sequence you can do at home to tie you over until you make it to class: 



Neck Pain: Out with the Old, In with the New

Modern technology has created a lot of flexibility in workspaces. The traditional 9-5 is morphing, with more people working remotely from wherever they are. That might mean creating space at home or having a moveable setup for use in a coffee shop or conference room. Being fluid with workspaces helps people escape the problem of being stuck in a cubicle all day, but it has downsides too.

It means your “office” may be anything from a couch to an Uber. Plus, the line between work and home is becoming blurry. When we used to be able to power down at the end of the day, we now have 24-hour access to emails and texts, and often use phones and tablets for our entertainment well into the night.

Which leads to my next question: How is your neck feeling? 

If you answer is “not great,” you aren’t alone. An increase in driving, computer work, and phone use is upping the daily physical stress for a lot of us. As an acupuncturist, I see patients with a variety of issues, but one part of the body that continually frustrates people is their tight neck. Our physical therapists see this a lot too. We even joke that “text neck” is becoming an epidemic. 

Symptoms mentioned include tension and discomfort, pops and cracks in the spine, head-forward posture, knots, and muscle spasms. The neck is a common storage place for mental and emotional strain: Some of us literally wear our stress with our shoulders creeping closer to our ears as energy demands mount.

So, where do we go from here?

Step one is to be mindful about how we hold ourselves. Step two is integrating positive habits to  minimize the damage. 

In terms of acupuncture, any kind of pain is considered stagnation, or blockage, in the free flow of blood and energy through the body. Solving pain conditions requires unblocking “stuck” regions of the body and keeping it unblocked. To do that, we insert small needles into the affected area, unblocking the channels and promoting relaxation of muscles, improved blood flow, and reduction of inflammation, all easing the pain. 

Being proactive is critical, too. Try integrating some of the following healthy habits:

  1. Retrain your muscles to let go at the end of the day: That could be with a short stretch routine or use of a warm herbal wrap. The warmth will encourage blood flow and help relax your muscles. It also retrains your muscles to let go rather than stay tight.
  2. Hang upside down: If you aren’t able to be completely upside down, at least get your head below your heart. Try a forward bend to release tension and allow your head and shoulders to fully relax and hang heavily. 
  3. Pay attention to your ergonomic set-up: Establish a primary typing zone with a set-up that reduces strain on your neck and shoulders. 
  4. Change positions often: Get up to use the restroom, roll your shoulders, take a phone call while walking, stretch your arms above your head. Do anything you can to get positional variety into your day.
  5. Come in for physical therapy: Our PT's can prescribe exercises specific to your neck’s needs.
  6. Try yoga: Flow your way to wellness in one of our classes to lengthen and strengthen your muscles.